Saturday, 11 February 2017

Eddy Guerrero & Chris Jericho vs. Faces of Fear (WCW Monday Nitro 02/24/1997) Review

Eddy Guerrero & Chris Jericho vs. Faces of Fear (WCW Monday Nitro 02/24/1997)

Was flicking through 1997 and had the urge to watch this gem. One of the best matches in the Nitro era. Haku/Barbarian were always one of my favourite big man teams and in this match, they offer some great offense, with Y2J/Eddy being the smaller guys trying to survive. Looking forward to this.

Faces Of Fear are out. Two big hard bastards

Barbarian and Jericho start things off. They lock up but Barbarian just hits Y2J with a series of vicious knees to the midriff, before shoving him into the corner and choking him out and hitting him with a big strike. Jericho gets whipped off the ropes, but ducks a big boot attempt and dropkicks Barbarian's legs from under him. Always a wise strategy when going against big fuckers like these.

Jericho keeps the fast pace and offense going as he gets bounced off the turnbuckle, he catches Barb with a boot, before delivering a missile dropkick, taking the big man down. He tags Eddie in, who springs over the top rope, back first onto Barb and gets a nearfall. The actual faces make a good start in this one. He runs off the ropes, but gets caught by Barn who just plants poor Eddie face first onto the mat


Eddie already in trouble as Barb just throws him into the corner like a ragdoll. He tags in Meng (oh it's just gets better for Eddie, doesn't it). Meng starts off with chops and strikes to Eddie, who tries in vein to start a mini comeback, but is put firmly in his place with a big headbutt from Meng. This is followed up by a crashing POWERBOMB on Eddie, who is in real trouble here. Meng rubs it in with a little victory dance.

Eddie though quickly pops up from this as he runs off the ropes and hits Meng with a Hurracinrana, before quickly tagging Y2J back in. They immediately double team Meng with a back body drop. Jericho stays on the offense with a back body roll into another quick nearfall. He runs off the ropes but is caught with a kick to the back by Barb. Meng capitalises by dumping Chris on his head with a sickening back suplex.

He tags Barb back in, who immediately picks Jericho up and places him on the top turnbuckle. This can't be good news for Y2J. Barb climbs up also and delivers one hell of a


'Holy shit' chants abound if this was 2017 I'm sure.

One hell of a spot. Barb follow this up with a pin attempt, but Eddie quickly grabs Chris's leg and places it on the ropes. Jericho manages to blindly catch Barb in a small package, but Barb shrugs that off and tags Meng in. Y2J reaaaaaaaaaly needs a tag of his own here. Meng starts punishing Jericho with a headbutt and throws him into the corner to hit him with some chops and strikes. He whips Chris into the opposite corner, but Chris flies feet first off the turnbuckle and into a crossbody onto Meng for a nearfall. Meng kicks out and is pissed. He just starts kicking the shit out of Y2J with vicious boots to the chest and head before choking him out.

Meng with some classic heel tag work here, as he picks on Eddie, who rightfully responds by trying to get in the ring. Meng slyly waves Barb in behind the ref's back to inflict more damage on poor Y2J. Barb just follows up what Meng was doing and also starts kicking the living shit out of Jericho. Some excellent work here by the FOF, TBH. Meng still in as he whips Jericho off the ropes, and Barb steps in. As Y2J comes back off the ropes, he gets lifted up by Meng and straight into a POWERBOMB by Barb.


Barb goes for the cover and gets a 2, before Eddie flies over the top rope and makes the save. Both of the FOF are in the ring now and both get up on opposite turnbuckes. Now this can't be good. They both fly off the corners and deliver a DOUBLE FLYING HEADBUTT

Man, Jericho has taken some punishment in this one so far. Barb goes for another cover on Jericho, but again, gets to 2 before Eddie makes the save. Jericho valiantly tries to mount some sort of comeback as he flays away at Barb with some wild punches, but is quickly stopped by the classic thumb in the eye. He gets dumped on the mat again as Barb tags Meng back in. Jericho gets some adrenaline from somewhere, as Meng whips him into the ropes, Y2J flies off the middle rope feet first, and hits Meng with a backflip moonsault. He's too fucked to try a pin but needs a tag at least now.

He hits Meng with an Enzigiri, who pops back up and attempts an elbow, but Jericho moves out the way and finally TAGS EDDIE IN.


Eddie flies right over the top rope and hits Meng with a series of punches and am uppercut. He flings off the ropes and tries to get Meng off his feet, but the big man isn't budging. He finally does it with a dropkick, just as Jericho gets on the top rope and hits Meng with a crossbody. Eddie and Y2J follow this up with a double dropkick, which sends Meng over the other side and he tags Barb back in. Y2J/Eddie fully in control now as Jericho sends Meng flying off the apron with a =another dropkick, before they hit Barb with a double suplex.

Y2J goes to the ropes in a attempt to hit the Lionsault, but Meng catches him and flings him though the middle rope and onto the outside. Eddie climbs the top rope, but what's this – DEAN FUCKING MALENKO runs in and sends flying into a big boot by Barb for the pin and win.

They got screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewed.

Well this is just as good as it ever was. I read a good analogy of this match elsewhere; It's like a shorter version of that great Powers Of Pain/Rockers match, and that's what it felt like. Y2J was excellent in his FIP segment, both the FOF were brutal, as expected, in all of their offense. The belly to belly suplex spot for example was INSANE. Probably the FOF's best match in WCW and one of the best TV matches from this era IMO.


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