Sunday, 5 February 2017

Hulk Hogan vs. Genichiro Tenryu (SWS 12/12/91) Review

Hulk Hogan vs. Genichiro Tenryu (SWS 12/12/91)

This one is from SWS, run by Tenryu, and they put on several cross promotional shows with the WWF during this period.

Hogan is out to his 'Real American' theme and is over with the crowd. The stage for the arena is quite unique, with dragons everywhere and a stage, then some steps, then a walk to the ring

They both start off with a respect handshake. Just also realised, Earl Hebner is the referee for this one lol. Hogan goes right after Tenryu's arm and applies a very nifty armbar

Yup, this is Hogan in Japan, so he's actually wrestling. Tenryu quickly reverses this into a leg hold though. Hogan manages to break the hold by going under the ropes and we're back to even stevens as they both get up. I know most Hogan matches feel big in themselves, but Hogan in Japan adds another element to that at times IMO. They go for a test of strength, which Hogan quickly turns into a leg takedown and applies a sleeper hold,as Tenyru is on the mat. That's two very nifty takedowns Hogan has done.

They both end up in the corner and Tenryu gives Hogan a big chop, which pops the crowd, and Hogan is like “What the fuck” and backs right off. You're messing with a tough S.O.B here Hulk. Slow start continues as Hogan does a 'come on' taunt to Tenryu (sure you wanna do that?). They both quickly try and trade holds and Hogan again takes him down and applies the mat sleeper, but Tenryu escapes and puts on an armbar. They both are up on their feet again and Tenryu gives Hogan another big chop to the chest.

You hear Hogan go “What's wrong with this guy, huh?” - Yeah Hulk, you're in a battle, Son.

Back to being even now as they both start circling each other. Again, Hogan gets the better of Tenryu again as he puts him in a headlock, before again taking him down with a leghook. Both back on their feet, and Hulk has still got Tenryu in a headlock as they head towards the ropes, which forces a break. Hogan again taunts him with a 'come on' hand gesture, but Tenryu keeps his cool and has that 'yeah, I'm fine and you'll get some' look on his face.

They again go to start a test of strength, but Hogan gives Tenryu a condensing slap on the face

Not clever, dude.

Hogan goes into WWF mode for a bit as he rakes at the eyes and starts throwing right hands at Tenryu, for which Tenryu returns the favour with some chops of his own

Hogan slings Tenryu off the ropes, but he ducks and Hogan tries the big boot, but that's blocked and he gets taken down into a leg lock, but they both end up rolling out of the ring. Tenryu is first back in the ring, as Hogan chases after him. As soon as Hulk gets back in, Tenryu tries to attack but gets an elbow in the throat. Hogan throws him against the ropes and gives him the


But only gets a 2.9 in the matches' first near fall. Hogan in control now as he puts him into a submission hold whilst keeping his knee firmly in Tenryu's back. He gets him up and starts hitting big right hooks, before whipping him into the corner and giving him a clothesline. Tenryu is down on the mat, so Hogan applies a Boston Crab. He manages to get to the ropes and Hulk backs off. Tenryu gets a bit flustered as he just flings himself at Hogan with his whole body lol

Calm down, you'll get your chance. Hogan gets Tenyru in another headlock, before peppering him with right hands. He whips him into the ropes, I thought another BIG BOOT was coming here, but he ends up doing a flying knee to Tenryu

Seemingly injuring his own knee in the process. Tenryu takes him down with a sort of Enzuigiri, shoving Hogan to the outside. Tenryu is in dick mode now as he sees the leg as an easy target. He follows Hulk outside and gets a chair from the crowd and wallops Hogan's leg with it. He does this again before Hogan escapes back into the ring. Hulk in trouble now as his knee is fucked. Tenryu fly kicks Hogan in the head for and attempts a pin, but Hulk gets his leg on the rope quickly to break it.

Tenryu keeps Hogan down and applies a leg hold, bending the bad leg in the process. Hulk tries to get out of this by elbowing Tenryu in the side of the head, but Tenryu is having none of it and just nails Hulk with a kick.

Tenryu fully in control and he gives Hogan a POWERBOMB straight into a pin attempt, but only gets a 2 again. Hogan quickly gets up and is seemingly fine as he punches Tenryu, gives him a body slam, before bouncing off the ropes and gives him another


That came from nowhere TBH. Tenryu kicks out again though (that's two he's already kicked out of, impressive). Hogan then whips Tenryu off the ropes and gives him the

AX BOMBER – This was Hogan's main finisher in Japan

But again, TENRYU KICKS OUT AT 2. Bit of a strange transition follows, as Hogan tries again for the BIG BOOT, but this is blocked. Tenryu then immediately gives Hogan an Enzuigiri, before taking him to the mat and back into a leg hold. Back to that leg now I presume. No, Hulk gets up on his feet but Tenryu starts giving him some big kicks to the face and some big ass chops to the chest. Hogan whips him off the ropes again and gives him an awkward looking forearm, before delivering two running elbow drops. He follows this up with another


He pins Tenryu, but again, IT'S ONLY ANOTHER TWO COUNT LOL.

The finish comes pretty much straight after this though, Hogan gives Tenryu his own Enzuigiri

He follows this up with two big AX BOMBERS, which has Tenryu rocking on his feet, before a third finally knocks him down for the THREE COUNT.


I thought this was really good match, one of Hogan's best for sure I'd say. He mixed up his offense well here and busted out some really effective moves. There was a couple of awkward spots where they weren't quite on the same wavelength, but overall these two worked well with each other to deliver a very good match. Started well with both having some nifty matwork, then picked up when Hogan injured his knee. Some big spots in this match too that were good and it picked up during the last quarter.

Also liked just what it took to put that tough fucker Tenryu away, Three leg drops wasn't enough, it need several Ax Bombers to finally keep him down. Hogan really bough it here and it made for a overall enjoyable match. Tenryu didn't lose much at this point I don't think and neither did Hogan of course, so I guess why it took so much for Hogan to get the win in the end.


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